Setting Up Training Zones

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Setting up training zones for heart rate and power in TrainingPeaks is easy to do with 20 minute Field Test data. Once the athlete has uploaded their file, we go into TrainingPeaks and find their 20 minute Normalized Power and Average Heart Rate.

Finding 20 minute power

In the opened ride file, we click on the Lightning Bolt in the right hand data bar to switch to Peak Power, then scroll down to Peak 20:00 min. That selects the 20min effort and we can see the Normalized Power and Average Heart Rate from the test.

By keeping the warm up, test effort, and cool down all in one file, we can see how the athlete did on the rest of the ride and if that may have affected their test. Plus we get a full Training Stress Score (TSS) for the day’s ride.


From Joe Rider’s 224 watt Normalized Power, we subtract 5%, and enter the 213 watts in our FasCat Zones Sheet to calculate hi training zones. We’ll also add in his average heart rate of 168bpm from the test.

FasCat Training Zones from 20min Field Test

To keep everything accurate, we then add those numbers to his Power and Heart Rate Zones in TrainingPeaks. In Joe Rider’s Account Settings, we input his calculated 213 watt FTP, choose “threshold power” for the auto calculation and use Andy Coggan’s zones from the drop-down menu.

Adding FTP to TrainingPeaks

Lastly, we add the all-important 83-97% of FTP Training Zone, Sweet Spot!

Now we can go into Joe Rider’s files and see how much time he’s spent at Sweet Spot or other zones in a group ride, race, or hill repeats!

Copyright 2017 , FasCat Coaching

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Nadia Sullivan is a Senior Coach at FasCat Coaching in Boulder, CO. To talk with Nadia or a FasCat Coach about setting your training zones please call 720.406.7444, or fill out a New Athlete Questionnaire to set up a Coaching Consultation. Additionally, check out any of FasCat’s Training Plans for only $49 that include field tests where you can set your training zones.

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Regarding HR Zones in your spreadsheet, I’ve been finding that some rides/races outside of a field test I achieve a higher 20-minute peak HR. Is it best to continue to use the HR avg from my field tests? It appears that if I plug in the new values from other rides/races, that I would never be able to hit the VO2 max HR Zone 5 since it puts the value just at, or above, my max HR.

Nothing makes you go harder than pinning a number to your jersey! Definitely use the race HR numbers!

I set a new Threshold HR in Training Peaks and want to adjust my settings. I see where I enter the updated HR but need to know what “Type” and “Method” to use so TP can auto calculate. I assume I am using the Andy Coggan method since that’s what we use for Power. Thanks.

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You are correct! Nice going -

So Coggan Method but which Type? (see below). Thanks.

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The first one, ‘lactate threshold’ :white_check_mark::white_check_mark: