XC Mountain Biking Race Schedule - "Intervals" plan into "In Season" plan

Just signed up for the coaching subscription. Through July and August I have a robust XC MTB race schedule and feeling a bit nervous about training these next 2 months(+). I am currently in the week 4 Regeneration week of “Intervals for XC Mountain Biking” plan and will transition into “XC MTB in Season” plan immediately after. I have an “A” priority race this Saturday 07/13/19 and several “B” and “C” priority races on following weekends. All are marked as such on my TrainingPeaks calendar. Then more of the same through August with 1 “A” priority race late in the month. I feel the intervals in the current plan are doing their job. I have been able to complete most of them as prescribed (1 not) . I haven’t had a race for a while so excited to see how things have progressed this weekend. Looking to make sure training makes sense for what I have upcoming. Thank you so much!

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Hey Mick!

I will go into TrainingPeaks and adjust the workouts so that they make sense for the racing you will be doing. Just rearranging a few things and adding in race openers. It will be more race and recovery type of training.

Hi Jake!
Thanks. I wanted to get on top of all this so I purchased “XC MTB in Season” plan today so I can flow right into it when done with my current plan. My new plan would start August 5th in theory; I have not yet added it to the calendar but would like to soon. Do you want me to add it or do you want to do that? I see that week would be a “Regen” week so it might need tweaking, the start of it I mean. Thanks for your help.

Looks like you put the plan the week after the regeneration week. That is perfect and where it should be. You’ll be ready to seamlessly stream right into the XC MTB in Season Plan. It’s similar to the adjustments I made to the other plan. I also filled out that regeneration week for you for the week between the two plans.

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Hi Jake,
Both last weekend (7/21) and this weekend (7/28) I had XC MTB races on the schedule that were postponed/cancelled due to heavy rains. Next scheduled race is 8/10. I have it on my schedule in TrainingPeaks. Any suggestions for this weekend’s training given the schedule changes? Last weekend I just went on longer rides and threw in some sweet spot efforts on Sunday. Saturday was a rain day on the trainer. Since I have two weeks before the next race I wondered if we should tweak anything.
Thanks for your help!

Do some trail efforts at race pace. Such as 3 x 15 minutes threshold. You would have got race inteisty in this weekend if you were racing, so good to get that in. By doing on the trail it’s more race specific and less steady as XC mountain bike races are. Then Sunday just an endurance zone 2 day, maybe 3 hours and 150 TSS. Will be good to get some endurance in since you are not racing. Going into next week Monday is recovery and Tuesday is easy so you can have a hard weekend as you will have plenty of time to recover before the next workout on Wednesday.

I Put those options in TrainingPeaks.

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Hi Coach Jake!
Thanks for your help so far. Starting FasCat’s Intervals - XC MTB plan this week. I have my races in TrainingPeaks for August and September so will need the plan adjusted around those dates. There are two consecutive weekends then a couple weekends off followed by 2 consecutive weekends again to finish off my MTB season. My race yesterday I set my fastest lap ever on the course by a minute & 13 seconds so feeling pretty good. Got a lazy start though and the class is stacked so it was catch up the rest of the way and affected my end result. Can’t let that happen again. Other than that just need to work on repeating consistent laps with less drop off.
I appreciate it!


Hi Coach Jake! (I put this in the forum; just copying you here & expanding a little).

I’m starting the FasCat’s Intervals - XC MTB (In Season) new plan this week after finishing off XC MTB Intervals plan. I have my races in TrainingPeaks for late August and early/mid September so wondering if I can get the plan adjusted/tweaked a bit for those events and also the non-race weeks. There are two consecutive weekend races then a couple weeks off (to hopefully build back my CTL a little?) followed by 2 consecutive weekend races again to finish off my MTB season.

My race yesterday I set my fastest lap ever on the course by a minute & 13 seconds (15:33 lap) so feeling pretty good speed-wise. Got a lazy start though and the class is stacked so it was catch up the rest of the way and affected my end result. Can’t let that happen again. Other than that just need to work on repeating consistent laps with less drop off.

Thanks for your help; I appreciate it!

Hey Mick!

Congrats on setting your fastest lap ever! That is a solid improvement! Got to get those race starts down! Personally I’m one of the worse starters and start every race like a 120 mile road race. Can’t do that in a mountain bike race. Really have to be keyed up and ready to go mentally for those.

I’ll look at your training plan and the upcoming races and arrange the plan accordingly.

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