Weight Lifting for Cyclists Training Plan

Still #FtFP @steve but feel your way up. Challenge yourself in these last 2 workouts, go ahead and add more weight than just the 5lb increments.

You’ll be fine for your 1RM. There is no ‘doing it wrong’ and it is not like a 20 minute field test. That’s what I meant to get you in the ballpark. :muscle:

Quick Q: weights before riding or other way round…or does it not matter?


Ideally 15 minute warm up before and 15 minute cool down before.

If it’s an advance plan where you are riding as well as lifting on the same day I would do the ride second. Good to get the legs going in circles after weights.


Thanks - Yes, it’s an advanced plan I’m doing and have been doing the MTI in the PM, after a weights session AM.


Hi. Nino before or after weights ?


Use your fresh legs to get the most out of your squats, leg press & leg curls. Go back and listen to our podcast and the section on the ‘ultimate gym routine’ where we go thru the order of:

  1. Zone 2 warm up
  2. REVO band exercises
  3. Squat > Leg Press > Leg Curl
  4. Zone 2 cool down
  5. Nino’s

Thanks Frank. I’ve listened to it, but sincerely I didn’t remember that part.

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I did my 1RM (squat) several weeks ago and attempted to do the percentages the sheet calculated. There was no chance that I could come close to completing the sets and reps specified. I knocked down my Max to tune in what I knew I could actually do, is that an acceptable practice?


Should I do a field test to calculate my new FTP before starting the 10 week intermediate weight plan? I’m taking 2 weeks off the bike before starting the plan so the fitness will have dropped, but I’m not sure how much it matters for the riding that is part of the weight plan.

Hi @ryanc - short answer: No.

Longer answer w/ explanation - if it is not specified in our plan, you don’t need to do it. In our sweet spot and interval plans that follow your resistance training, thennnnn the plan will detail out when to test.

Right now while you are focusing on building muscle, power based training is not that important.

That’s a nice way of saying #FtFP :wink: Like you mentioned it doesn’t matter for the next 10 weeks during your weight lifting program.


Same for me @tilkerb… Specifically with my leg curls I could barely get through the whole first set. On the next 5 sets I went to failure then backed the weight off little by little to complete the reps/sets. Not sure if that’s right but I think getting in the reps at a lower weight is preferred to skipping sets/reps


hey guys - once you finish the adaption phase and move into phases 2 and 3 - do you recommend completing all the sets for each movement done together, like all the squats before moving on to the press, then on to curls?

and during the adaption phase, i built it into more of a circuit and included core between sets. during phase 2 and 3, do you recommend resting between sets since they should be more taxing vs the intro phase?



Hi @josephdabbs : yes, complete all your squats then move on and complete all your leg presses and so forth to the leg curl. Rest ~ 2 minutes inbetween sets. Longer if you need to in order to complete all your work :muscle:

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Hi @hartung_sarah - I am the same way - my hammies give out during the Hypertrophy and Strength Phases.

^^ I think that is a good idea - better to complete the work than to goto failure early on having not completely any work :sunglasses:

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i assumed so - thank you!!!

Hi Jackson, really enjoying this plan and it is having real benefits. I’m right at the end of the adaption phase (one session to do, weekend rides and setting my max 1 rep weight) but Unfortunately I’ve contracted a heavy cold - symptoms above the neck. Is it okay to continue or should I stop ( my gut feeling). Obviously stopping will screw up the TP diary by going out of sync potentially. The plan is to rest up over the weekend and hopefully if better start again on Monday. Is it okay to miss the final adaption session (I will have completed eight) and go into the hypertrophy sessions? If the illness lasts longer can you advise?

I must have been doing this wrong then, misinterpreted the directions. I’m in my last week of Adaption and I’ve been doing squat, leg press, then hamstring curl all in a row for 1 set. Then taking a short break, doing all 3 exercises in a row for a 2nd set.

So for the rest of my weeks as I get into the next phases, should I stick to how I’ve been doing my sets since it still comes out to doing the same reps at each exercise?

Just starting with this plan and I realized I have no access to a leg press. What would be the best alternative to replace it with? Double the squat sets? leg extensions, something else?

No. You should do one workout at a time. First Squats, then leg press and finally leg curls.