User Feedback - Plan Idea

I am curious for the FasCat users, how many of you are stuck in between a basic and intermediate schedule where the best plan riding would be 4 days of riding (2-week days and 2-weekend days), instead of the prescribed 5 days?

If there are enough of us, I’m curious what the coaches would say as to whether plans could be designed in a way to be effective with these constraints.

Personally, I love the intermediate plans I’ve purchased and used but cannot FTFP them with my work/family schedule (and only week nights) so I was always altering things weekly to combine or omit things.

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I’ve not seen a basic plan to know the schedule, is it 4 days per week or 5? Could one take on a basic plan and add in z2 when you have the time to make it the same as intermediate’s time length?

Hi there - a semi-custom schedule for an atypical work schedule is where a coaching subscription would help - to adjust the intermediate plan for you:

I didn’t realize until today that I could do month-to-month coaching. That may be an option come later in the fall, as I agree it’s the best option for me. I was also generally curious how many others out there were on a similar schedule.

Thanks, Frank.

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Here is a video too that you might find helpful!