Quick question regarding swapping training weeks.
The first week of March I’m going on vacation to go backpacking in the Grand Canyon. That week will be week 8 of the 16 week strength & conditioning + base (intermediate) training plan. The week prior (last week of February) is scheduled as a regeneration week.
Should I FTFP and take the regeneration week prior to vacation, or should I swap the two weeks so that the regeneration week falls on my vacation?
I will be staying at “lower” elevations (in the canyon proper) 4 out of 7 days. I’m not sure how much of effect that will have on my recovery/fitness, I’m from Kentucky and the average elevation here is around 750’ so still quite a bit of a difference.
Anything else I should take into consideration as far as training goes leading up to and following the vacation?
Thanks in advance for your help!