Trying to plan out next years training, and looking back on this years. Focus was cyclocross season. This was the run down:
-10 week resistance plan
-ss part 1
-ss part 2
-ss part 3
-summer ss cx plan
-6 weeks till cx
Things started out good, raised my FTP up through to ss part 2. That was when I hit my best FTP. I improved maybe little during ss part 3 but was mostly just breaking even(Plateaued). By summer cx I just felt kinda dragging, and by 6 weeks to till cx I was hoping some recovery with hard efforts would help break out of that, But now I’m just tired, felt loss of fitness and called it a year at this point. One thing I noticed, was my 20min power was good, but always struggled holding the SS workouts. By the end, I had a lower power test which made the ss wkts more manageable, but obviously that’s not what were going for. THis next year, shooting for cx again, would maybe adding a rest week between each plan would help? Or maybe any thoughts? sorry this is a loaded question.