New 16 week SS plan - adapt for 2 weeks on / 1 week rest?

65 yo mid-pack cross racer
Just bought the new 16 SS plan (great Black Friday deal!)
Wondering about thoughts on shifting the 16 week plan to have more frequent rest weeks.
I know (with some effort), I can duplicate the rest weeks and insert them at 2 week intervals, but I wonder how the plan designers feel about that?
Would it disrupt the progression too much?
It would make the total weeks 18 - and that is fine with me since I currently would not be starting the plan until mid-Feb, and then using Cross Intervals, followed by 6 weeks to Cross, and then racing.
thanks for any input.

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Ideally you should FTfP! Did you buy the BASIC plan? We suggest the basic plans for 50+ athlete’s so that they do get more rest instead of adjusting the training plan.

Remember, if you buy the basic plan you can add more zone 2 ride time (30-60mins) if you have it. Otherwise it is best to follow along as planned!

Hope that helps,

What does FTfP mean?


Thanks so much for your reply.
I didn’t see that age-related advice about Basic versus Intermediate. I have used the previous Intermediate 16 week SS plan while racing 50+cat4.
But if you think I can be more successful racing 60+open Cross here on the Front Range using the Basic plan, please let me know how to chnage.

thanks Peter

Follow the (fantastic or some other f-word) plan :wink:

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Ah gotcha :ok_hand: :wink: thanks