Hi. How does the first week of SS2 and SS3 differ if I’ve bought the plans separately instead of as a package? What do I do to knit the three plans together when bought individually so they work as if I had bought the 18 weeks together?
I bought and started with SS3 last year when I switched over from another training program to FasCat midseason and then bought SS1 as part of the resistance training/SS1 package this past fall. I’m about to pull the trigger on SS2 which I expect starts with a field test as does the individual SS3. I did the field test at the beginning of SS1 but was not planning to do it again until the beginning of the specialty gravel plan unless I’m finding that I’ve made enough progress such that the workouts feel easier during the 18 week SS training. Thanks!
You really just need to rearrange weeks a bit. Coming off sweet spot 1 you will have 2 week build so you can roll right into the first week of sweet spot 2. Instead of the field test you can do 2 x 20 minute sweet spot. You are spot on that you do not need to do another this close to just completing one.
Then you will need to move the regeneration week up form week 4 to week 2 of the sweet spot 2 plan. Then you can do weeks 2, 3 and 5. Repeat the regeneration week from week 4. Start with week 6 and roll into sweet spot part 3. Again pick a workout to replace the field test, and move the regeneration week up to week 2 during sweet spot part 3. So basically you are doing a build 3 weeks and every fourth week a regeneration week. That is the best way to put the 3 plans together.
Thanks Jake. I’m going to have to read this a few more times before I totally get it. Guess it would have been better to get the whole 18 weeks at once rather than buy it in pieces as it looks like there’s a lot of reshuffling to do.
There is always the option of signing up for the coaching subscription. You can cancel any time. But one of the benefits to help is training plan revisions. So that is something you can look into if you wanted.
OK Gents. Now you’re really losing me. Are you saying that to revise SS1, SS2, and SS3 bought individually to knit together to be the same sequence as they would if I had bought them together that I should get a coaching subscription? I hope not.
And how do I move entire weeks around? I know how to drag and drop individual workouts in TrainingPeaks but not entire weeks. Thanks.
SS1, SS2, and SS3 are 3 individual plans. 18 weeks of SS is one plan. Yes they are very similar but it does take some shifting around of weeks to merge the 3 sweet spot plans together to make it into one plan. Each of those plans are 6 week training plans.
3 week build, 1 week regeneration, 2 week build. And a typically training cycle like in the 18 week plan is 3 week build, 1 week regeneration, repeat.
You don’t need a coaching subscription to put the plans together. It is just an option for those who want help revising the training plans.
You can copy and paste weeks at a time so you don’t have to do individual workouts. If you go into TrainingPeaks on a computer you can click the menu at the end of each week. This is located next to where it says summary. You can hit “copy” and “paste” here for each week.
So if you apply sweet spot 2 and 3 after sweet spot 1 you will just need to copy the regeneration weeks and put them every 4 weeks.
“Then you will need to move the regeneration week up form week 4 to week 2 of the sweet spot 2 plan. Then you can do weeks 2, 3 and 5. Repeat the regeneration week from week 4. Start with week 6 and roll into sweet spot part 3. Again pick a workout to replace the field test, and move the regeneration week up to week 2 during sweet spot part 3. So basically you are doing a build 3 weeks and every fourth week a regeneration week. That is the best way to put the 3 plans together.”
It may sound confusing but once you get it into TrainingPeaks and move the weeks around it should make more sense to you.