I know, FTFP, but

I’m using the in-season Road plan, and am happy with how things are going. I’ve got 2 races this weekend, the first of which matters for a points race I’m in. Today’s training plan activity is calling for 1:15 duration, including 5x1 minute ‘full gas openers’ for the race tomorrow, with a planned TSS of 100. This would be the highest TSS of the week’s plan activities (not including the races this weekend), and would put me at a -15 TSB going into tomorrow’s race. I tend to do Ok with a slight negative TSB before a race, but -15 is reaching the point where I’m a little worried. Do I just suck it up and FTFP? Do I revert to last Friday’s 1hr 4x45 ‘full gas openers’, which would be 70 TSS, leaving me at a marginally higher -12 TSB for tomorrow’s race? Am I overthinking this? :slight_smile:

Whatever I do, I’m gonna be doing it in the next hour or so, so if anyone has any sage advice, I’m all ears!


First of all you are over thinking it a bit. You can cut the ride to only an hour max. Keep the zone 2 easier before and after the efforts. If you do that you should not even get close to 100 TSS. With an opener ride you are just looking to be opened up and ready to race. You don’t want to fatigue yourself. Do less TSS than your current CTL.

With the in season plan we built a plan that is balancing keeping fitness and resting into each raced. An “A” goal event we would have you taper more leading into it so you are more rested and TSB would be higher. But again with the in season plan there needs to a balance of keeping fitness and not losing too much over the 6 weeks.

The higher efforts will help you from feeling flat tomorrow and loading up as soon as the race heats ups, which can be early on.

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Great tip about keeping the openers’ TSS under current CTL - Thanks!