Have 25 weeks till A race, how can I use my 18 week plan effectively?

Hey FasCat folks, recently purchased the 18 week sweetspot plan and am stoked to get started and FtFP. My A race is 25 weeks from now though, how would you advise I approach this with the 18 week plan? Is there a portion of the plan I can re-do perhaps?


Hi @brandenho - After you complete your 18 weeks of sweet spot then you want to do some full gas intervals !

Which interval plan you do is specific to your race - what are you training g for? Chances are we have an interval plan for that type of race.

Thanks Frank, glad to see the Big Cat on my first ever post here. It’s going to be a rolling terrain mass start road race. Open to recommendations, lemme know!

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Ah - that is easy @brandenho - our road race intervals plan:

Good luck #FtFP’ing!

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