I started riding my bike consistently back in July and took my first FTP test in mid August, which gave me an FTP of 187 and 2.7 W/KG. I just finished SS1 basic and tested today at 211 and 3 W/KG. I’m super happy with the progress and trying to decide what to take on next. I would really like to increase the amount of time I spend on the bike every week and 15 hours isn’t unreasonable time-wise. Should I start SS1 again but increase to intermediate volume or move on to SS2? Other options? Here are some stats/background info. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks!
- 35 years old
- 153lbs/5’11"
- Road rides up to 100 miles
- Lots of time to train but want to ramp up safely
- Current FTP 211, 3 W/KG