Annual training lan

Finally got around to making an ATP. Looks like i will be doing some local fondos some of which gravel peaking for June. I did/plan to do weights plus 18 weeks SS then hill climbing plan as there is like 8000 ft of climbing or more in a lot of events in my area and a it is bit of a personal weakness.

But My question is guess is about after that. There isn’t much happening i will realistically go to till After that until mid September/October. Should i do more base? It seems the gravel plan is kinda base “like” and i like the long Sat (sun off) concept for lifestyle reasons/training preference. I could do that then maybe the road racing interval plan for my A fondos in Oct to change up the training?

Not sure what plans to do to fill the gap…

All Events are pretty hilly (8-9k ft climbing in 100 mile), and some will have some gravel but most are not exclusively gravel grinders. I want to continue to lose weight/ride strong so advice would be appreciated.


Hi @peterthornhill-7147 - this is the “Timing is Everything Podcast” to the ‘T’

After your first A race, you may want to take a mid-season break

then build back up with our/your sweet spot plans and interval training (sounds like hill climbing) for the 2nd half of the season.

Sounds abstract but its pretty simple, focus on the 1st half of your season first and let us know if you’d like to hire a coach or buy a coaching subscription to have us custom design a plan or go into your TrainingPeaks and advise.