9% FTP increase in 3.5 weeks

Hello all
Second attempt for IRONMAN New Zealand 40 km improved by 3 min since I started the Sweet Spot training on 11th of February
I am very happy that even TrainingPeaks recommended a FTP increase the first time in ages. I will not modify the FTP as I will follow the plan as prescribed.
This unplanned workout gives me further motivation that the plan works. Waiting 18 weeks to see some improvement is a bit difficult

So I feel pumped to carry on with the plan

Also I achieved some improved peak performances which for sure helping to feel motivated
Thank you to all who helping fellow riders to improve irrelevant to age or capabilities

Best regards


Congratulations! Make sure you get enough rest and recovery if you added a hard effort to the plan.

That is a significant bump up in FTP, and the coaches may disagree with me, but I personally WOULD recalculate my zones on the new FTP with so much of the plan still to do, though I might also work in the lower part of the new zones for a couple of weeks to build into it.

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Many thanks for your kind words and recommendations.
I will wait to see if any coaches will advise
The purpose of the extra 1 workout is only to check if my work is paying off a bit.
I hope I can sustain this and work further and harder to improve. I don’t want my age to be a show stopper

Again thank you

Best regards

Another thing to do might be to bump your FTP up to 192 for two weeks, then to 200 after that.

If you change the title of this thread to “9% FTP increase in 3.5 weeks”, I guarantee the coaches will read your thread. :wink:


Congrats @adlerlucsi !

Tip of the Iceberg


Many thanks @FRANK its starting to pay off
I hope is not a Exaggerated improvement but it’s the first time ever I am feeling doing ok in any sport :slight_smile:

@FRANK in relation to

@FRANK hi I cannot reply to the weak legs chat
I am sleeping the 6 hours. The very best is 7 hours but it is rare I must admit.
Medications are needed for my sleep :frowning:
Maybe that’s why? My legs are weak but I always push forward irrelevant to the circumstances.
As I said before I learned more in 5 weeks about cycling since the beginning of the SS workout than in my last 2-3 years cycle and I thank you for that.
I must say also thank you for your input maybe my questions are weak but each question and answers I do take it very personal and I learn from it

Many thanks :pray: to all Fascat and fellow riders


Hi again
Just a simple question after my last FTP increase recommendation.
Should I retain my original ftp as per the plan or increase it to the new ftp threshold or something between the 182-200

I thought as the last workout was unplanned but successful I should leave the original FTP and wait until the end of the session

Many thanks

Hi again
Just a simple question after my last FTP increase recommendation.
Should I retain my original ftp as per the plan or increase it to the new ftp threshold or something between the 182-200

I thought as the last workout was unplanned but successful I should leave the original FTP and wait until the end of the session

Many thanks

Hey @adlerlucsi !
Congrats on the FTP increase! Like Frank mentioned above, that is only the tip of iceberg considering you have just started out with structured training. Regarding your FTP increase, I would bump up your FTP in training peaks to 190w. Do that for a week or two so you can see how your body reacts and then if you continue to nail your workouts easily, bump it to the 200w.

As you continue FtFP (and rest as much as possible), you can monitor your normalized power for indications of whether your FTP is continuing to increase throughout the remaining weeks of your 18 weeks of SS plan. :ok_hand:t3:


Hello Lacey

Many thanks for your response
I attempted to change my FTP but the plan did not updated accordingly
I found a older chat with a resolution but did not worked for me
Not sure now how to rectify it
Many thanks for the update you provided

Best regards