Will shifting a plan delete the completed workouts?

I applied 16week SS plan starting several weeks ago, but for various reasons I have not been getting the workouts done.

I’d like to shift the plan forward now that the weather and my schedule are cooperating more. I know how to delete and re-apply the plan.
My question is whether deleting the plan will delete the workouts I did complete - or leave them (hoping it is the later)

thanks for any feedback.


Only shift the future workouts, start on the day or week and use the menu to shift the future ones “on date and after” by the number of days/weeks you want to move them. Keep in mind though that these plans expect you to be following them so giving yourself break weeks or shifting things around can have unintended consequences for starting back, you might not be where the plan “thinks” you are in terms of readiness. Another option to repeat weeks is to reapply the plan on later weeks and move the weeks you want back to now, or copy the completed + future weeks and paste them into upcoming days.

thanks a lot for your feedback.

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