Just finishing up week 1 of Hypertrophy. However, when squatting, I’m struggling to get 10 reps in after the third set. Sets 4-6 tend to be more around 7-8 or 9 reps… I think I could squeeze out 1-2 more but w/o a spot I’m not risking failure…and I don’t really like anyone else at my gym. For the press and curls I don’t have any problems getting the the requested 10-12 reps. I’m just wondering if I had too good of a day when I set my 1RM or if doing a few less reps for the squat is ok? FYI, I have some soreness but w/spinning 20+ minutes before and after, it’s definitely less than I remember from last year…when I stubbornly refused to spin…just sayin. Thank you in advance.
This is on heavy day, light day, or both?
It was on “heavy” day only. Coach Frank replied to me on FB…
I’ve just gotten into this phase and wondering if I’m doing it right…every two sets the weight goes up or is it every two workouts? I was doing every two sets but it was brought to my attention by a workout partner I may be doing it wrong.
probably too late with a response but the way I understand it is every two sets the weight increases. if you plug your 1RM into the spreadsheet it auto-calculates the pounds in the remainder of the sheet for you.