Injury recovery

Hello Frank and I hope I’m getting this correct.
I had a bad crash in May and fractured a couple of ribs so I had to back down from training and competition for several weeks but feel well enough now to restart training.
I plan on racing Iceman in Michigan on November second and was wondering what training plans to plug in to get me ready?

Thanks for everything.

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Hi there @slgabrys -

I recommend sweet spots 1 - 3 to raise your CTL and build your base until you switch from base to race and begin our 6 Week Iceman plan.

Hope that helps - take it slow and be patience with yourself and your ribs. Good luck and go fast!

Thank you Frank.

Broken ribs are always a slow healing process and at 56 years old possibility deadly.

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Indeed. Always get clearance from your doc before you ride and always let pain be your guide. If it hurts its too soon to be back on a plan. This is where a good coach can help but athletes who use good judgement can too - this is where having patience I mentioned is gold.