You’ve applied your FasCat Training Plan, but now life has thrown a monkey wrench in your schedule? No problem! You can drag & drop workouts in your calendar to adjust them to better fit your schedule!
Just left click on the workout you want to move & drag it to a different day:
Then drag & drop the other workout to keep your calendar organized:
That’s it! Nice & simple.
What if you need to re-start your plan because you set the wrong start date or applied it & then got sick or had unexpected travel? In those cases, it is best to un-apply the plan & re-apply it with a different start date so you can avoid having double workouts from the plan being applied to your calendar twice.
*Note that plans with fixed end dates for specific events cannot be re-applied on different dates.
Now go ride your bike!
Copyright 2017 , FasCat Coaching
Questions about your training plan? Email/call: or 720.406.7444
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: if you are unsatisfied with the plan, your performance, anything , we will refund your plan at anytime. Good luck!
FasCat Coaching is cycling coaching company in Boulder, CO that coaches athletes worldwide. FasCat offers affordable $49 training plans as solutions for self coached athletes. To talk with a FasCat Coach about getting into a coaching plan, we’ll waive the $99 start up fee if you bnought a plan from us. Please call 720.406.7444, or fill out a New Athlete Questionnaire to set up a Coaching Consultation. Additionally, check out the Training Plans for only $49 that the FasCat Coaches have designed for DIY athletes.
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