Fascat Training Plan no Longer showing in TP

Good morning - I am coming off the Advanced Gravel Plan and was wanting to start up a new training block. I went into TP and was going to select the Intermediate SS #1 plan that I had previously purchased and it was not in the “Training Plans” section? I did upgrade the plan from Intermediate to Advanced, but both plans were in there 16 weeks ago. Let me know if I need to repurchase - thanks!

Hey Craig! Was the advanced in there?
We can interchange them, which is probably why you may only see the intermediate.
Are you wanting to do the intermediate plan this year?

Hi Lacey -

Yes, the Advanced plans are there. I was going to back down the weekly training time for the next block so that’s the reason I was looking for the Intermediate versions. But, I went ahead and purchased the Gravel-In Season Intermediate plan and will jump into that so I’m set. I plan to up training time in late summer/fall so will just leave the Advanced plans as is for now.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Craig Pruitt

Lacey -

Thanks for repopulating the Intermediate Gravel Plan! The Gravel-In Season Intermediate plan that I purchased Saturday doesn’t appear to have been sent to TP yet. Since it was the weekend, I wasn’t sure when to expect the notice from TP that the plan was ready. Let me know if you need anything additional from me. Thank you!

Craig Pruitt

Hi Lacey -

Yes, the Advanced plans are there. I was going to back down the weekly training time for the next block so that’s the reason I was looking for the Intermediate versions. But, I went ahead and purchased the Gravel-In Season Intermediate plan and will jump into that so I’m set. I plan to up training time in late summer/fall so will just leave the Advanced plans as is for now.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Craig Pruitt

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No problem Craig - I am always happy to help!!

I sent the In season plan your way over the weekend. Not sure why it didn’t come through, but I just sent it your way again. Let me know if you are still not seeing that email to accept it.

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