CX Plan sequence as it relates to strength training

Hi, I’ve looked at the other threads for CX plan sequenceing and not sure I found my answer.
After listening to the podcast on Half life’s where it was talked about doing strength work for CX in March. What plans would together or do I overlap some and delete the redundant workouts?
I have the 32 week plan, sweet spot 4, Summer cx base, 6 weeks to cx, cx intervals, race and recover.

“A” races are around mid October.



Hi @andyb21 - as CX relates to ‘timing is everything’ get into our off season cyclocross plan in January or February:

For now until then what you should do for training really depends on if you are coming off the couch or raced some cx this past Fall. And good goto plan for the weird season we had is our Indoor Cycling for Zwift plan

Hope that helps -

Great! And then after that roll in to 6 weeks to CX>CX intervals>Race and recover?

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Don’t forget Summer Sweet Spot for Cyclocross and then

If starting the 24 week off season Jan, there isn’t time to follow the sequence you lay out. It’s 54 weeks total to go from off season–summer sweet spot–till cross–intervals–in season–nationals peak.