Way to go, King
I am sure there will be more where that came from!
Congrats on your first KOM! Just a first of many.
@Jake Dont feel to be progressing as well with Strava plan compared to SS4 but it’s early days yet.
I feel by 4th November it will be time for 2 week break then throw myself into the winter resistance plan when fresh.
@Jake will you have a look at my schedule please and tell me how I’m doing
I will have a look at and get back to you but just wanted you to know I see your message and I am on it!
There’s no panic. Thanks
Frank T
I think it may be time to take a week off. I feel 2 weeks would be too long and drive me mad. When do you reckon I should hit the couch?
Hi Frank!
So looking at your Vo2 max intervals. I think if you steadied them out a bit you would be far better off. You seem to have some hard acclerations in them where you go well over target. Ideally you just want to get to the watts you want to hold and keep it steady! The target for zone 5 can be anywhere between 105 - 130% of your FTP. But as you approach 5 minute intervals like you did Tuesday you will want to be on the lower end. Yesterday in your first set your first 1.5 - 2 minutes were well over 130% of your FTP! So going out way to hot. That will lead to failure in a Vo2 max interval.
Here is what your first two looked like:
This is more what we are looking for. Notice how steady they are and there is not big acceleration.
You can read more about Vo2 max intervals here:
Actually looking further back looks like you did the sweet spot 4 plan. Now on that plan you did really good job with the Vo2 max intervals and rode those perfectly! Seems you kept them steady and right on target.
I am noticing a fair amount of workouts indoors. Remember doing intervals outside will make them feel harder as well. So might not hit the same numbers indoors as outdoors. Sometimes power can be lower by 5% while the heart rate is higher and perceived exertion feels high.
So I know you said you are not feeling right. Some of that can be due to some high intensity intervals being down indoors and also overreaching a touch on the zone 5 intervals as of late. But another reason could be from coming off of the sweet spot 4 plan to an interval plan with not a lot of base.
So you have been doing intervals training now for almost 9 weeks. That is starting to stack up. So your body could be getting tired from the high intensity training. Not it’s not a ton but doesn’t look like you had a huge base build phase this year.
Here is your CTL chart.
You started sweet spot 4 with a CTL of 49. That is a little low. Now you are up to the mid 60s. You would benefit next year from getting that better base period in starting with sweet spot 1 then 2 and finally 3. That should take you up to the 70 - 80 CTL range. So then when you complete the interval training your body will be use to a higher workload and can handle the intensity better as you will be doing less work but at a higher intensity.
Get through this week and next week is a rest week! I would almost recommend just doing a zone 2 ride tomorrow for an hour. Keep it light. This way you can feel a little fresher for the weekend rides and get the most out of those. Next week take it easy, make sure the zone 2 parts are easy, no extra riding, win in the kitchen and get extra sleep! This will help power you through the final two weeks.
Then we can discuss the best course of action after this plan for you and what you should do.
Okay Jake
Thanks for spelling it out. Needed that direction.
@Jake Oh man,I am so goosed.
Totally flat today doing 5x3 Sweetspot with bursts and couldn’t manage Zone 2 after a bit.
Went hard yesterday in 2 minuters but nothing I haven’t done before.
May be time for break and then tackle resistance plan ?
I don’t see you in TrainingPeaks any longer? Not sure what happened there.
If you have no goals or rides on the horizon there is no reason not to start an offseason break now. Once you take the 1 - 2 weeks off you will can start the 10 week resistance training program which will already take you past the first of the year. At this time is a great time to start base training with sweet spot.
It really just comes down to timing.
Hmm.Ill have a look at TP but workouts have been uploading ok from my end.
Yep all good here on TP but Fascat banner not on page anymore. May be problem at your end as I was charged twice last month for coaching subscription then refunded.
Surely there will be no need for coaching sub during weights period?
You se me on TP yet? Think I’ll see rest of Strava plan through as there’s only week left then take week off and drive into strength plan. My race is supposed to be mid March but don’t what the lay of the land is. Will get a PT for 10 weeks and see how we go
@Jake right I have the 32 week winter plan. Few questions…
- Do I have to do Fall Foundation or can I dive right into 10 week resistance training as I am coming out of my Strava plan now and intend taking a week off
- How do I apply the plan if I am cutting out the foundation part
- I was going to stick with my original aim for A Race in mid March…do I have enough time or should I just abandon this notion and complete as 1,2&3 then do intervals and see the lay of the land for 2nd half of 2021
- Lastly…can you see my TP because if not it’s not much use having a coaching subscription
Thank you in advance
@Jake for some reason " help@fascatcoaching.com" address had been removed from my TP settings which is baffling.
Ive now added it again. I feel I should start weights program from my 32 week plan next Monday and see how I go fromthere but I am looking for some kind of direction please.
Hey Frank,
I replied to your last post about how to take out the fall foundation. Sounds like you need to get to weights ASAP. For an A race in mid March you may have to cut some off the resistance training phase and even then getting enough training in maybe tough.
You need at least 8 weeks of base training, maybe more depending on the type of event. Then 6 weeks of race specific interval training.
So put in your interval plan 6 weeks before your A event. Then you will need those 8 - 12 weeks of base training.
So apply the 32 week plan to start 3 weeks before you plan to start weights. Then you’ll delete the workouts before. Take off the last few weeks so you can fit in your interval plan. You may be only be able to do a week each of the hypertrophy, strength and power phases as opposed to the 2 weeks each.
Exactly the advice I needed. Thank you.
As it’s a kinda confused looking calander future-wise, I will get a few days resistance training done this week then hit the weights next week. I am quite open to ignoring the uncertain future race and committing fully to the remainder of the 32 week plan; with your guidance of course. Thanks again.
Managed to get a venue for my weights workouts.
No big deal but all the weights are in KGS. not LBS.
I will up my weight load in increments of 2.5kgs.
Is that okay @Jake ?