50% OFF Plans for our Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale, starts Tuesday Nov. 26th

Yes, it should still be valid today as advertised. Not sure what happened???

I tried to get a last minute plan (11:14pm est) and it didn’t work for me either.

Seems like the sale ended earlier than expected. Might be good business to extend it, no? download-1

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Sorry all - the email sent at 7am Tuesday morning clearly said ‘4 hours only’ and “Offer expires TODAY at 12pm” 12pm is Noon aka lunchtime and the even had a countdown timer :slight_smile:

I would love for you all to get on a plan to be able to take advantage of this incredible deal but for this year and this point you’ll have to go thru the normal channels (and there are discounts available)

Thanks Frank, but this is very disappointing as I was relying on Bryan’s post at the top of this thread:

FasCat’s Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotion will offer 50% OFF all training plans starting on Tuesday November 26 thru Tuesday December 3rd .

I set a personal reminder for noon on Tuesday and planned to purchase several training plans and I never received, or saw the email stating the noon deadline.

We’ll I am sorry we’ll have the sale again in 2020.

In the meantime, our plans still kick ass and are an incredible value for what you get. Maybe you’ll forgive me after you #FtFP and your power goes up 10%?