I have been listening to your podcasts recently and I just purchased the Resistance Training + Sweet Spot Training Plan. I’ve really enjoyed your podcasts and I’m looking forward to doing the training plan. With that, I do have a few questions overall regarding the training plan:
• It looks like the strength training is focused on the lower body. Do you recommend any upper body strength training to supplement that? I know Nino’s Circuit Training is included so is that sufficient for core / upper body or anything else recommended.
• For the leg exercises (squat, leg press and leg curl), I have a gym membership where these are all available, but sometimes it is easier and quicker to do a workout at home. I do have a squat rack and leg curl at home; however, I don’t have a leg press. I have a hex bar, dumbbell set, barbell set, and a few kettlebells. Are there any alternatives to the leg press that I could do with any of those if I wanted to do some of the workouts at home?
• Most of the races I do are around 2 hours in length. Some of the bike training looks to be 2 to 4 hours in length. I’m sure it can’t hurt to do the longer rides regardless, and I know in listening to one of your podcasts, certain things happen physically after 3+ hours; however, if doing shorter races mostly in the 2 hour range, is it necessary to still do longer rides or could I shorten those times?
Thanks in advance for any guidance on the above items or direct me to another thread if already been answered and I just missed the thread.