Starting week 7 of the 12 week CX offseason SS Plan, and I’ve noticed over the past 2 weeks that sweet spot wattage is feeling much easier for me–perhaps even too easy?
On Sunday, for example, the plan called for 45 minutes of Sweetspot in a 2.5-hour ride. I broke the work down in 15 min intervals and felt so good at the end, I was even able to complete an extra interval for 60 mins total in Sweet spot.
The ride description said it this was OK “if you feel good.”
Throughout the first 2 intervals, my HR remained quite low (145bpm, zone 2 for me), so for the remaining 2 intervals, I rode off of HR instead of power, and was able to complete the last intervals at +10watt above target (92% of FTP), and my heart rate still didn’t reach the top of zone 3 for me. (And this was after a 3.5 hour, 205 TSS ride the day before.) I noticed a similar low HR and easier than expected ride during my 3 x 10 min 100% threshold efforts after my first rest week in week 4 of the program.
Should I bump my FTP up +7-10 watts to try and get most out of the remaining weeks in my sweet spot phase?