Fall Foundation

Hello fascats. I wanted to thank you guys for the training plans. I completed 3 plans starting last winter with weights. There was a slow pick up to form and I think it was related to my riding mates going out and doing 27degree rides throughout the winter, call me a whimp but no thank you. Over the past month my legs have finally kicked in.

With that being said, Im likely going to repeat my plan structure. You guys mention Fall foundation a good amount as a preamble to starting weights. What does that look like exactly? I got that I should do it prior to 10/31. Is it simply 3-4 weeks of normal peak season riding? Your input is appreciated.

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Hey @alejandrorestrepo,
Glad to hear that you are feeling the legs coming around!
We highly recommend starting the foundation plan right after your short post season break (about 2 weeks). The plan is 3 weeks long and includes tempo/sweet spot intervals midweek and the option for group rides on the weekend with the goal being to raise your CTL. It also has muscle tension intervals, yoga, REVO strength and conditioning exercises with videos to go along with that to prep you for weight training.

After this plan, we suggest starting the 10 week weight training plan, or ever better… our full off season training plan which will carry you all the way into the spring!

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Thanks for the follow up. I have an added question regarding the start up. Im on week 4 of a training block which I would normally do half of the prior week load. I plan on starting my Foundation training the week of 10/11 and my 2 week break is going to be 9/27-10/10.

Should I do half the load this week or given Im going on a 2 week break starting 09/27 do I just do my normal week season load? Or will my CTL drop too much with a recovery week followed by 2 full weeks off.



The big boys may chime in, but I would say you are free to do close to your full load. Your 2 week break will be plenty of a reset! Just make sure it is a true break :slight_smile:

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Is it recommended to take a week for regeneration between finishing the fall foundation and starting the 10 week strength plans?
As always, thanks for the great plans!

Apologies for the delay @eoinofarrell. Not regeneration week needed between those two plans :slight_smile:


no problem, thanks a lot @Lacey_Rivette!