CX Training Plan Adjustment

I just raced 3 days at JingleCross and am a little wore out, but not completely destroyed. I’m planning on racing Saturday and Sunday at the Trek CX Cup this weekend, as well as having some fun in the Legends Race Friday Night. Can you adjust my training plan for this week and next to account for that? Also, I have a double race weekend Nov 2/3 and a Sunday race on Nov 17 that the plan needs an adjustment for. I do have a subscription and have put my events in my plan. Thanks!

I went into TrainingPeaks and made a few adjustments for you.

For today you should do more of a skills ride. Treat it like a recovery day after a double race weekend and preparing for the three races this weekend. If you feel ok you can throw in some sweet spot. But don’t over do it today! Big weekend this weekend and you will have done 5 races in 2 weeks which is a lot.

Getting in intensity tomorrow like it was planned will be good. Wednesday is the day to get that work in and keep sharp.

Friday instead of openers you can do the fun race as openers. This way you have Thursday off as a recovery day.

Coming off this weekend I made the following Tuesday just an easy zone 2 spin. Again this can be mixed in with skills, but the focus should be on keeping it light. Thursday will be off and Friday you will do race openers. The day after the race looks like a long ride, but going into a regeneration week it will be good to get this long ride! Chance to build and maintain fitness. You will get that following week as a rest week.

Coming off the double weekend on Nov 2nd and 3rd I kept the skills and 2 x 30 second workout. However if you are feeling tired just do the skills and maybe 1 set. I put that in the pre workout comments.

Sometimes on these double race weekends you will need to spend your Tuesday recovering and Wednesday will be your big workout day of the week. Those you need to get in.

If something else comes up let me know!

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