Buying multiple plans at once

Hey Fascatters and Coaches,

I would like to purchase 3 different plans this weekend with the discount but have a question.

I don’t want to start any of them until the end of April and so on since I am currently in a plan, so where do they go? am I limited to when I can activate the plans?


In Training Peaks you can select your start date for any plan. I just purchased two plans today I will not use right away.

You will receive an e-mail that Fascat has shared a training plan with you. Click Accept Plan and the plan will appear in your training plans folder within Training Peaks.

Click on the plan in TP and you can select any start date in the future. Hope that helps!

Hi John,

You can set the start date for your plans. If that does not work, one of us coaches can go in and set the start dates for you. Just let us know when each plan needs to start.

Coach Allie Legg

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The trick is to click on ‘accept your plan’ link within 72 hours and ‘put’ them into your training plan library where they will live forever for you to do them over and over.

The accept your plan link expires after 72 hours and then you’ll have to email us, and we’ll have to push the plan to you again.

Thanks for the help everyone!