18 weeks of sweet sweet spot

Ok, I live in the part of the country where it’s impossible to ride outside on the weekends. you have big outside rides on Saturdays my question is what should I do on the trainer?

@FRANK and @Jake have a couple of posts on the forum about long indoor rides during SS base. I’d check them out. For me, I’m perfectly happy (and capable) of doing 4+ hour Zwift rides of 250+ TSS. Lots of bottles and food. Take a break after 2 hours.

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Basically it comes down to getting as much TSS through sweet spot work in the time you are willing to do indoors. Early in the season it is good to keep these rides shorter as you will spending several weeks and months doing this. Than as spring approaches trying to do some longer ones as soon you will be outdoors and not burning out on the trainer.

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