New! FasCat Team Partners with Normatecs! Discounts for training plan members!

New FasCat Team Discount!

New exciting partnership to share with you all FasCat Training Plan Team Members!

FasCat has been using Normatecs for years to aid recovery and offer our athletes an exclusive advantage. Now you are able to take advantage of this system as well!

FasCat members now get 15% off any of the Normatec systems by referencing code "NormaTecsForFasCat"
As this is a greater discount then they offer on their website you simply need to email referencing the code and you will get our discount.

PLUS!! Through the end of the year they are running their holiday sale and will now give you 20% off plus their just released backpack that makes traveling with their systems much easier (plus they are pretty sweet). Again just reference our code before the end of the year to get the 20% off.
Here is the order form as well as the breakdown of prices (with discounts shown). Not for the modest of athletes but a big step forward to trying to get the most out of your recovery!

NormaTec recovery systems are cutting edge compression solutions that enhance the body’s natural ability to recover. The NormaTec Systems utilize a patented massage pattern – “NormaTec Pulse Technology.” Using NormaTec’s full length leg compression boots, arms, and hips before or after intense workouts and games rejuvenates muscle tissue and dramatically reduces tightness and soreness.

Invented by an MD, PhD and perfected by professional athletes, NormaTec Recovery Systems are the go-to equipment for the world’s best and the face of recovery within elite athletic spheres everywhere.

For more information, visit: