Updating plan to accomodate holiday ride

I’m wrapping up week 1 of the foundations plan.

There is a holiday next week (Mon. 01/20/20) for MLK day and I’d like to a larger social ride that day.

Should I skip the group ride the Sat before and do the MTI workout then rest/yoga on Sun?

For the week after the holiday ride I’ll move my rest/yoga day to Tuesday but should I push all the workouts back a day and not have a rest day on Friday?

Any guidance is appreciated.


Hi @jonathanjenkins - I look at MLK day as a chance for ‘extra credit’. Rather extra TSS :muscle:Build a bigger base.

I’d keep everything the same (#FtFP) and do the social ride on Monday and move your normal Monday rest day to Tuesday and then crunch Tues-Wed.

Have a great holiday -