Training Plan + Endurance

Currently using indoor trainer at 5am for Sweet Spot part3, then heading to work. Looking to add a few (1-2) communtes to work and looking for recommendations. Can I complete teh Tues/Wed/Thurs workouts indoors then hop on bike and ride 30 minutes Endurance Zone to/from work? Is the following concept too much? This would likely be one day, possibly two days a week. Thanks in advance.

5-6am - SS part 3 indoor trainer
6-6:30 - bike commute Zone 1
7am-4:30 - “Win in Kitchen” while working
4:30-5pm - bike commute Zone 1

That would be a great way to get the zone 2 in after your workout is completed indoors. I would recommend zone 2 endurance on the way to work so you get that solid 90 minutes of work. Then on the way home zone 1, just active recover commute home.

So updated to the following?

5-6am - SS part 3 indoor trainer
6-6:30 - bike commute (Endurance Zone 2)
7am-4:30 - “Win in Kitchen” while working
4:30-5pm - bike commute (Active Recover Zone 1)

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Early morning riding like this takes proper planning and time management. But the rewards are great. Having good meal prep is the next level as it sounds like you are planning!

My meal prep for workdays is pretty good now, always a little room for improvement. Looking forward to adding this extra saddle time, but a bit concerned with consuming enough daily calories.