New Intor Meal Plan

Can the new “Introduction Meal Plan” be used or adjusted with intermittent fasting?

Hey Patrick! How long are you looking at intermittent fasting ?

Thank you, Lacey.

I’ve been doing it for several months already. I typically fast between 8pm and 12pm the following day. I like the idea of a this meal plan plugged into my TP calendar but if I don’t eat breakfast the prescribed schedule may not be as effective.

Okay, one more question: what time of day do you train? Is it typically done fasted?

Monday through Friday I train after work and therefore between lunch and dinner. On the weekend I’ve been training fasted most of the time. Sometimes I’ll drink some calories.

Thank you,

Patrick S. O’Rourke

You could definitely do it, below is a sample day from the plan with suggested times to eat them. The Rice and egg bowl can easily be made and brought with you. I suggest eating that one around 2-3 hours before training as it is easier to digest than the wrap (lower in fiber).

As far as training on the weekends, I do recommend consuming those liquid calories and fueling during the ride if it is long or includes intervals. When training with low carbohydrate availability (aka fasted or on a low carb diet) your body will turn to burning fat and breaking down muscle protein for energy. If done for an extended period of time, this can lead to a loss of muscle mass. That is even more true if you do not consume a proper meal soon after training.

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Thank you, Lacey.

I appreciate your advice especially concerning my weekend training. I will purchase the plan today.

Thank you,

Patrick S. O’Rourke

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Of course, I am more than happy to help. Feel free to reach back out if you have any questions :slight_smile: