Intermittent Fasting

I am a 52 yr old female, I have been intermittent fasting 16/8 about 5 days a week since January to help with menopause and to help decrease the chances of breast cancer reoccurrence … I am wondering if intermittent fasting can have a detrimental effect on my cx training? I felt great until I upped the intensity for cross, I can feel the lactic acid fill my whole body instantly, upper arms and legs, I can’t seem to get out of my way for the last month… Maybe I over trained the month of June before the cx training or is it the intermittent fasting of 16/8.

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My assumption is that it has more to do with your diet and intermittent fasting. 16 hours is a long time to deprive your body of calories, especially as it is trying to recovery from the higher intensity workouts. The higher intensity workouts tend to keep your metabolism running longer and higher. So going 16 hours without taking in food is a long time. The body than will start to break down muscles if not enough calories.

Also I guess it would also depend when the 8 hour window is in relationship to your training. If you just have one meal before you ride, it’s one meal in maybe 16 - 18 hours before trying to go full gas! Just not enough.

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