Balancing weekend rides with plans

Hi there, just finishing the sweetspot 18 wk plan and also have the Le Haute to start.

However im not training for any specific event only improving myself for my weekend rides and self improvement in general.

I live in Europe and with the weather improving, weekend rides are getting longer, I usually manage TSS of about 350 Saturday on hills and 100 Sunday, but am too tired during the week for the full 3 workouts. Im 56 btw so not a young boy. Thinking could be part of the reason.

CTL is 65 atm

Weekend rides are what I most enjoy obviously.

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Hi @Rockdel - we are big big fans and proponents of the “long ride” on Saturdays and /or the weekend.

Weekend rides are what we live for and as such many of our plans are designed for that. Plans such as sweet spot part 4, gravel, & fondo, and sweet spot MTB marathon to name a few.

Hope that helps! Have fun out there . You may also find this training tip helpful:

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My weekend rides are usually long hills (5-6 hrs) and TSS of around 350, then Sunday I usually do a recovery ride of about 2 hrs low intensity (75 TSS).

How should I combine this with the Sweetspot 18 week which I am finishing or the Le Haute training plans, I bought the two but now find myself wanting to ride outside on my preferred group rides.

I take the Monday off always and also Fridays, so what should I do during Tues / Wed / Thur, I follow the Le Haute plan, think it will be too tough as weekends are really tiresome.

Hey @Rockdel - it is hard to give specific advice since we cannot see your training data. However, it sounds to me like you are pushing too hard on those group rides or your zones are set too low, which could be artificially inflating your TSS.

Also as a masters athlete, we advise following our basic (ideally) or intermediate plans so that you have ample time to recover. With the intermediate plan that would mean at most 8-12 hours per week and with a 6 hour ride sat and 2 hr one on sunday you are getting close to that even without your weekday rides. You do not want to go too hard/long on the weekends so that you cannot FtFP during the week - lots of key workouts there that are going to benefit you on those big weekend rides!