12 week gap in 32 week plan

I am doing the 32 week 140.6 training plan. I was about 12 weeks in before I had bladder surgery. I will miss 10 weeks of training due to the surgery. I should be able to start training again with 10 weeks to go before the race. How should I get back into training? Should I ease into the first two weeks?

I haven’t wasted my down time. I have been focusing on winning in the kitchen like Jackson. I’ve changed my eating to primarily a plant based diet. I am hoping that when the end of August rolls around I will be lighter and have more energy for training and racing.


Can’t speak too much for triathlons but for any bike racer I would say you need a week to ease back into it at least. Some good tempo sweet spot pace efforts. You may not feel good which is fine but you will find your legs. Just don’t want to try to make up for lost time because you can’t. If you go too hard or overreach you will need more time to recover and miss yet more workouts.

So ease back into it. Give yourself two weeks, nothing too long. Shorter aerobic intervals build those up into longer ones and go from there. Just like the start of your original training block. As you get in that 6 week to go window should be able to follow the last 6 weeks to your event. This way you get up to race pace and work at that.